Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Depths of Darkness

If you haven't been able to tell, I love to write. And I pray that God will use that desire of mine to do His work. My mom also enjoys writing. A God given talent. During our stay at the hospital my mom wrote and spoke a blessing over our Little Miss Helen Charis. It brought me comforting, healing, and a new sense of God's great mercy. With her consent, I would like to share it with you. I pray that those of you who have lost a child at an age that seemed too young will find comfort and healing in my mother's words as well. Be blessed and know that God is GOOD, God is God, He is ultimately in control, and His ways are PERFECT!

Blessing Spoken over Helen Charis on January 30th, 2010. Written by Lori Kerr.

Helen Charis
Blessed of God

To never know the pain of heartache
To never know the heat of anger
or the sting of betrayal
To never experience hate or evil
or the depths of darkness

You'll never be lonely or frightened
or tempted to sin
for you, only joy
only peace
only love

You'll never have to be convinced
of God's great love for you
Never struggle to find His will
for your life
Never have cause to ask that question
Why, God?

You'll always know light
Always hear music
Always see beauty
Always have arms to hold you

Your sudden departure will bring unity to the Body of Christ
And because of you a threshold will be established through
which many will pass and find peace, reconciliation and grace
God's Grace.

In those rare moments when the reality of Jesus seems distant or vague, our longing for you will be Heaven's sweetest incentive.

~~~~"Jamma" holding her 11th born grandchild~~~~

Thank you all for reading. If you have suffered and survived a similar situation and would like to tell me your story, I would be ECSTATIC to hear from you! Here is my email, please put the subject as "blog", so I won't mark it as spam.
Can't wait to hear from you!

Only by the grace of God,

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