Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

I want to tell a story. A story of our past, my present, and hopes for the future. I say “our past” because it includes someone else. A Little Miss who was alive for only 278 days. A baby named Helen Charis meaning Beautiful Grace. A sweet young girl who lives in my past, echoes in my present and deeply changed my future!

It was Thursday, January 28th, 2010. I was 3 days away from my due date and physically miserable. I was downright done with being pregnant! My appointment was at 1 in the afternoon. Things at the office were running behind a little, but that was fine by me. I was just excited about the possibility of having this baby OUT! The nurse did the normal checking of my urine, weight and blood pressure which was high. As my mom and I were waiting in a room for the doctor, I felt slightly dizzy and I was seeing some “floaters” in my vision. The doctor came in and started to search Helen’s heartbeat. It took him a little longer than normal to find it, but we heard it. All three of us heard it. As this is going on, we spoke about how I had been feeling and he asked if Helen had been less active lately and things along those lines. I told him that she had been less active, but that I knew I had felt her move last night. Also, that I was busy earlier in the morning; that I wasn’t paying attention and was pretty sure I had felt her. Since I said I felt like the movement thing was alright, we went on to my blood pressure being high. He was concerned that I may have preeclampsia. He wanted me to go over to the hospital and get some testing done. My mom and I left and headed straight to the hospital. On the way I called the babysitter and sister in-law to tell them what was going on and plans were made in case they would induce my labor. I also called Santos and briefly explained to him what had happened, that he didn’t have anything to worry about and that we would call him if they found anything to be concerned about or if they induced me.

We arrived at the hospital around 3. She checked my blood pressure, it was fine. She wanted to make sure so she had me move in a couple different positions and took my blood pressure to be certain. It was at a normal level all the times she checked it. Then came the contraction and baby heart monitor. She was informed that it took the doctor awhile to find the heartbeat, so we were not in shock that it was taking her awhile to find it either. She didn’t spend too much time with the monitor before she went to get an ultrasound system and called the doctor to come to my room. I was told the doctor would come as soon as he was able, it was 3:18. The nurse was not an ultrasound tech and was having trouble finding the heart. Since I had gone through one previous pregnancy, I knew what a heart looked like on the monitor and I knew she couldn’t find it. She then went to get another nurse to see if they could find the heart. Neither of them could find it.
At this time, God was reminding me of this verse, “And we know all things work together for good to them who love God, to them who are the called, according to His purposes.” Romans 8:28. In this, He was letting me know Charis was gone. Peace filled my spirit, pain filled my flesh. My flesh wanted to ask for her back. I knew He would give her back to me, if I asked Him. He wouldn’t let me ask…I couldn’t do it. My flesh wanted to, but my spirit knew that this was supposed to happen. The verse was on repeat in my mind. All things…love God…His purposes…over and over! My flesh spoke and I said to my mom, “I hope this isn’t bad.” God’s beautiful grace comforted me and in my spirit I felt as though He had taken Helen home. I was praying and these were a couple of my wandering thoughts…this would be a TRUE test of patience…I think these nine months have been too long to wait to meet my Little Miss…now I am to wait a lifetime! During God and I’s conversation the doctor came in. I looked at the clock, it was 3:38. He started with the ultrasound, found the heart and it was not beating. He said that when he first put the monitor on that he thought he saw Helen’s heart flicker. As he was quickly giving orders and putting an internal monitor on Helen, he explained what would happen if they found any kind of heartbeat…an emergency c-section. The mommy in me didn’t want to believe she was gone; I gave verbal consent for the surgery. He put the monitor on her sweet little head. He and the nurse grabbed one my wrists each; they began to wheel me into the operating room. I said to my mom, “Call him.” A tear wrenched voice called back down the hall, “I am.” The verse was still playing in my head as they were quickly prepping me for surgery. I felt she was gone. The whole time I was overwhelmed by the peace and beautiful grace God had covered me in. I remember one lady in particular amongst all the staff in the OR, she spoke with a raspy voice standing over to me, “You are doing great!” She went on to encourage me while explaining what was going to happen.

I woke up to my love, Santos. My strong, sensitive, stand firm on his faith Santos. “She didn’t make it.” I responded, “All things work together for good to those who love God.” Then, the physical pain took over. MORPHIN? They gave me MORPHIN? It didn’t even feel like they gave me TYLONEL! Santos asked me if I wanted to see her. I wanted to wait to see her until I was able to sit up and really hold her in my arms.

She was beautiful! Fearfully and wonderfully made for sure! It was a slight shock to see her at first, because parts of her soft, sweet smelling baby skin had been affected by her passing in the womb. She was and still is perfect in my eyes. It was so comforting to be able to finally hold my Helen Charis! I know she wasn’t really with me anymore, but holding Charis’s tiny hands made the ache go away…momentarily. Family and friends came to our side. It was beautiful how the love of God was shown. Almost overwhelming! His beautiful grace was and continues to be sufficient for me! I was at peace, God’s peace, true peace. Don’t get me wrong! I was mourning, hurting and crying, but I was at peace with how God had decided to use my Little Miss.

I was sure there was some medical reason to why this happened, but I wasn’t focused on that. I will get to that part, probably within the next couple of posts. I didn’t need the answer to why this “physically” happened to Charis when God gave me the answer to why this “spiritually” happened. For His glory, for people to be brought to His saving grace, for Him to be put back as First in my life. The last reason kinda stung a little. You will read more about that as I continue to tell the “past” chapter of my story. God will use all things for good to those who love Him, and I love Him dearly! Now, more than I love my Little Miss…as oddly as that may sound to some.

I was blessed to stay in the hospital with Helen Charis from that Thursday until Sunday evening. Our first born Alivia Christine was brought up daily to see us. It helped Santos and I a lot hearing her giggling while she ran up and down the hallway outside my room. I wondered since we found out that we were pregnant again what Alivia would do when she first met the new addition to our family. Grandpa Santos had given her a baby doll at Christmas and Alivia had been practicing how to take care of a baby every day since. I wanted Alivia (then 1 year and 9 months old) to meet the baby sister that I had been telling her about for months. The baby sister she gave kisses to while she grew inside me. The baby sister we had planned on being her lifelong playmate. Santos was holding Helen and I had Paula, Santos’ sister, bring in Alivia. As soon as Alivia saw Charis, she wanted to hold her! She said in her Livi language, “Ease! Ease?”(Please! Please?) It was the hardest moment so far! I tearfully asked for Alivia to be taken out, it was too much for me to handle. It was too much for everyone to handle!

Santos stayed at the hospital Thursday and Friday night. Santos was in need of some good rest, physically and emotionally. We agreed that a night’s rest in a familiar place and the company of our Lovely Little Livi would take care of both. He spent Saturday night at his sister and brother in-law’s. My momma spent that night with me at the hospital. We took pictures, talked, cried, prayed and rocked with each other and Little Miss. Those days in the hospital played such a big part in my healing. I loved being able to hold her in my arms, while God held me in His. I loved rocking her while my momma rocked me. I loved being able to touch her sweet soft skin while loved ones touched me with their support. I loved being able to hold her hands while Santos was there to hold mine. I loved being able to rest with her while my spirit rested in Christ. I especially loved being able to show her off for those few short days and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon!

I leave you with a slideshow I put together of the pictures my mom and I took. There are not any pictures of Santos in the slideshow as he was not at the girls “slumber party”. A professional came the night I had my surgery and took our family pictures, which I will be sharing with you all at a later date. I also added some pictures of us girls getting things ready for Charis to “go home” and some of her at the funeral. For you to understand the video more…Jamma is my mom and Popi is my dad. This is what all their grandkids call them.

My story is not near the end. I yearn to share more of my story with you! Hopefully the next couple of post will complete the “past” chapter of my story. I have so many things to tell you all! Enjoy!


P.S. I'm sorry for the small size of the video. I'm trying to use a different program to make it bigger so you are able to read the text easier, but for now enjoy the pictures!


  1. Love it! Tears are flowing as I read Charis' story. I truly believe that this blog will be healing for you. Hugs and continued prayers!

  2. I loved reading your blog and seeing Charis' pictures again. She is beautiful. You are such a strong woman. I feel blessed to have you as my friend.Hugs. Samantha

  3. I am so glad you posted this blog! She is beautiful!! Momma too! It was hard reading it with out crying~ Thanks for the Greek lessons too~ I did not know Charis and Helen where Greek names and what they meant! GOD is good ALL the time Jordan~ ALL the time GOD is good!! We may not know all the details but for sure~ we can trust HIS word~ ROMANS 8:28 !!!!! Thanks for sharing this verse and how God used in your life!!!
    Love you cuzn :}!!! Hugs to you and all the Kerr's and Fernandez families back there!!!
    God Bless,
    Cuzn Star in Denver

  4. This is amazing Jordan! Your sweet baby is so perfect and beautiful.

  5. I agree I am very glad you posted this Blog !!!. The love you have for your precious daughters is so wonderful. You have an amazing and loving family. Thank you for allowing us into a such a private part of your life and may God always Bless You !!!

  6. Hi Jordan,
    This is a very touching thing you have done with your moments with her. It is so sad and yet we are glad she is with her Father in Heaven! I don't what its like to lose a child to stillborn, but I imagine it must be hard. I will pray that God continues to impart peace to you and His love. Love Yah your friend beth from AG

  7. Thank you for posting,
    I too lost a son at birth, Jason Edward,
    the Lord also meet in a powerful way,
    though for me it took years to come to terms with it. But seeing that you posted the meaning of your daughter's name, the Lord prompted me to look up my son's name.
    You have no idea what a blessing it was for me,
    thanks :)
